Community Food Security with Alan Booker

Alan is the founder and executive director of the Institute of Integrated Regenerative Design, which trains professional design practitioners to create systems that are ecosystemic, biocompatible, and regenerative. He has over 30 years' experience in engineering and 20 years in sustainable and regenerative design.

Day One - Saturday


8:45am Course Welcome and Introductions

9:00am 1. Food Security and the Foodshed

10:30am Break

11:00am 2. Organizing Community Food Systems

12:30pm Lunch *

1:30pm 3. Design of Urban, Suburban, and Rural Sites

3:00pm Break

3:30pm 4. Annual Crop Production: From Gardens to Farms

5:00pm Dismiss and enjoy the rest of the festivities!

6:00pm Dinner *


Until quite recently, the production of food was a core part of culture and community life, helping bring people together around the shared tasks of providing for each other’s basic needs. Over the past few decades, government subsidies and an emphasis on low cost over quality has resulted in industrial agricultural coming to dominate food production. The results have damaged our physical health while destroying the cohesion and economic stability of our communities.

 Community Food Security takes a whole-systems view of how to return the production of food with real nutrient integrity to our local communities and how rebuilding our local food systems can help re-weave the strands of community that have become frayed through the industrialization of food. We will look at how to work across all scales and densities—from container and rooftop gardens in dense urban cityscapes to small, local farms in nearby rural areas—to create patterns of abundance and restore access to nutrient-dense real food.

Day Two - Sunday


8:45am Morning Welcome

9:00am 5. Perennial Production: Tree Crops and Food Forests

10:30am Break

11:00am 6. Partnering with Animals

12:30pm Lunch *

1:30 pm 7. The Community and Home Kitchen

3:00pm Break

3:30pm 8. Food Preservation and Storage at Community Scale

5:00pm Dismiss (No Dinner)


* meals ticket can be added on when purchasing ticket

Menu can be found here.