FREE saw MILLING WORKSHOPS with treehouse trade school

DECEMBER 4th-8th


Who this is for: The in-person class is for anyone who want so to learn how to operate a saw mill whether for an occupation, or for general interest. It can also be fore those who wish to help cut material for their own projects. Participants need to be able bodied, however there can be space for observers.

What you’ll gain from this workshop:
 -What kind of logs are good for what purposes
 -How to identify good logs and prepare them for sawing
 -Different kinds of saw mills
 -How to operate a bandsaw mill
 -How to properly stack lumber for drying
 -How to estimate board footage

What prerequisite skills you’ll need:

Situational awareness is key. If you find yourself to be clumsy, or have a difficult time listening to instructions, we ask that you not participate, for your safety and ours.

Who your instructor is/ background:

Scott Allen Bunn is a homestead developer, tradesman, teacher and father of two boys. As the founder of Treehouse Trade School, our goal is to create a magic formula to help people master all trades necessary to develop a resilient homestead. Like a tree house, the goal is to do this in harmony with our planet. Treehouse Trade School provides general contracting and education both online, and in person. Visit for more information.