Comm UNITY day

  • Work Project

    Working together in community is always more fun. AND we amplify each others efforts!

    Each week we choose a different project. It could be a project like painting, planting seedlings in the garden, bio remediation, building a shed, or waterway clean up!

  • Dinner & Authentic Relating Games

    If you joined us for the community work day please feel free to join us for dinner and games! A simple dinner will be provided as nourishment to thank you for contributing to our land project. Please let us know by Saturday if you are joining so we can purchase and prepare more food for you!

    Authentic Relating Games are a fun and sassy way of building intimacy within the community, deepening your experince of SELF, and developing yourself.

  • Sauna

    Weekly sauna! This is FREE to folks to attended the entire community work day!

    You may drop in for $10 if you did not join the community work day.

Together 1+1=11

Learn more about our community and what it is like to live here.

Being in connection with other like minded individuals who share a similar value system brings a lot of value to our lives.